January and February: The limbo months

After the excitement of those studio days in December, January and February have been busy, but also filled with waiting… A little like the limbo of pregnancy, there are plenty of signs that something, someone is on the way, and you can see, hear and feel things changing and growing, but you still don’t know quite who or what is about to be delivered! Since this EP feels a bit like my first musical child, I have that same sense of not really knowing what I’m doing, whether I’m prepared, what to expect, what to do for the best…

Celtic Connections certainly helped to make the time pass… Alison, Les and I snagged a spot on the Danny Kyle Open Stage (DKOS) and played a four-song set (all from the EP) there on 25th January. We really enjoyed that experience, and the audience (and fellow performers) seemed to respond to the songs very well, which gave me a timely confidence boost that we are on the right track.

That aside, January was the month for ‘overdubs’. Graeme Smillie (who mostly played bass in the studio session) has added some gorgeous keys (piano, harmonium and organ) to various tracks, and I had a brilliant day with Louis Abbott and Jill O’Sullivan recording her violin part for Wild Angelica and some additional vocals (from all three of us) for other tracks.

At the same time, Gabi Frödén and I have been working away at the cover design… or rather Gabi has been working away while I keep suggesting tiny, irritating changes. Here’s a look at how that stands currently…

Yesterday, Jamie and I got together to go over the mixes (with the overdubs now added) and I think we finished 4 of the 5 tracks… which is just as well, since they are due to be sent off to the CD-maker, and to be uploaded to the streaming platforms, at the end of this month. I’m so tempted to give you a sneak preview, but I know I really shouldn’t… Suffice it to say that I’m loving how things are coming together. The trick has been keeping the intimate and loose feel that comes from the way they we recorded the vocals, guitars, bass and percussion simultaneously (in-the-round), while allowing the overdubs to fill-out but never swamp the sound…

Meanwhile, I’ve also been trying to find a date and venue for the launch gig. At the moment, this looks likely to be either at the CCA on Friday 26th April or at the Dream Machine on Saturday 27th April. Both are Glasgow venues. I’m also very excited about who might be coming to town to play support, but I better keep schtum about that until it’s confirmed. 😊

Of course, I’ve also continued to write songs – two more this year so far, called ‘Cypsela’ and ‘Hold Still’. Both are very much works in progress though... so not quite ready for sharing. What I will share is a video I made for Burns night; my version of his song Slave’s Lament. Hope you enjoy it.

Thanks again for your support. Hope to see you at the launch gig if not before!



What comes next? Five ways to help…


Recording Johnny Blue’s Well at Chem19